Thursday, April 22, 2010

WEEK # 3 Twitter

Well this is week 3 and I have had a little play around on "Twitter". I'm not really enthused, but then I don't seem to have enough time now to do half of what I want to do, let alone start twittering to people.
I think most customers would find it easy to use once they have been walked through it the first time. But most information they require is already on our websites, so I don't think I would vigorously promote this cite.
To me it would just be another programme that needs time to be maintained.

1 comment:

tosca said...

Aahh, you've discovered the beauty and the beast that is Twitter! You get users who tweet the most fascinating and informative links...and then you get those (like me) who tweet anything and everything. When you're ultrafamous (like Neil Gaiman - @neilhimself) then you can get away with it :) I appreciate your honesty about feeling that you wouldn't vigorously promote Twitter. Congratulations - you've completed the 3rd activity!