Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 3: FeedMyInbox - RSS made simple

Feedmyinbox is a very simple RSS-to-email tool that allows users to subscribe to their favourite blogs, feeds and news in seconds. Previously users were able to add as many feeds/sites as they wanted to receive updates for, nowadays users can subscribe up to 5 sites for free before they need to look at pricing plans. For RSS newbies this is a very non-threatening way to keep up to date with your favourite blog or news site. Update alerts will be sent straight to your email inbox.
Mmmmmm.... I can't say that I found this site easy to use. I don't think that I personally would use this site as I'm not really an internet junkie. I already have trouble keeping abreast of my emails let alone reading 'update alerts'.

For people who use computers all the time this site will be great as their favourite sites will be quickly at hand.
A student remarked to me that they found the site excellent as they could access their favourite sites quickly. For example when they are doing an assignment on the computer and need to have a break, they can quickly access updated information on their favourite topics, to just chill for a bit.

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