Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week 6: Facebook

Well, what can I say! Thought I would be totally anti Facebook, but no!!! It's really great! The thing I need most now to continue using facebook, is time, which I don't have enough of anyway.
It's absolutely amazing how many people I have found on facebook that I already know.
As there is virtually no cost involved in facebook, it would be a great way to stay in touch with overseas acquaintances and family. The days of keeping in touch by mail are certainly numbered.
The age range of customers at Pakuranga Library using Facebook on a regular basis are very varied, from the young to quite elderly. So it is obviously a tool that is very user friendly.

I have had a quick browse of the Auckland University Library site and found it to be easy to use with all the basic options easily accessible. Not over powering and having to really search for the information you require.

Christchurch Library's home page is really interesting. They have their own Blog site and obviously keep it updated. The content is very local which will be very attractive for their users.

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